Monday, August 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Nutrisystem Trophy Wife
I recently filmed a new commercial for NS that should begin airing in the next several months. In it they asked me to repeat a line that was used in the first commercial, "My husband jokingly calls me his trophy wife." I did repeat it in this new shoot because I was the one that originally fed them the line - as a joke.
Since the first commercial, I have caught quite a bit of flack about the "trophy wife" comment. I've heard comments in person and seen or been told about postings on the, I'll try and clear things up here once and for all.
1. I said "JOKINGLY!!" The reason I said jokingly, is because it was a JOKE!!! Duh! My husband doesn't objectify me, and yes, I know what the term trophy wife means and here is why it was funny in the context of our marriage: We are 6 months apart in age, we've been married over 20 years, we are both college educated professionals, and neither of us is more attractive than the other. As for those who thought I was a "dumb", southern girl - I graduated college with a 3.88 and my IQ is in the 130s.
2. Kelli has the thick southern accent - not me. I have a slight southern accent. At any rate, southerners are no more or less likely to be dumb than those from other parts of the country. We're just much cuter and that makes everyone from up north jealous. Once again, JOKING!!! My two best friends are from NY.
3. That is my real body. I see it every day and I'm sure I would know if they "pasted" my head on a different body.
4. No, I didn't get my body in this shape with NS alone. But come on, isn't that a no-brainer???!! I lost weight with NS, but I improved my muscle tone through running. I've been a runner for years, but I had stopped for a couple of years due to problems with my feet and a hectic schedule due to my husband's deployments. Once I had lost some weight with NS, running was easier on my feet and I was able to start again. As a matter of fact, I ran a 1/2 marathon in March and averaged 8.5 minute miles (a little slower than I used to be, but I am getting older. lol) Go, Me!!!
5. Yes, those are my real boobs and no, I've never had a "tummy-tuck". I just happen to have good genetics in that department. My father was a professional athelete and still has flat abs at age 60. Both of my parents have remained fit and it would be hard for anyone to imagine they are great grandparents.
I hope that clears things up. I'm sure there are still people that will complain about my comment when the new infommercial comes out, but some people are never happy. I just wanted to make it clear that there is nothing wrong with being proud of your body. LONG before someone notices your intelligence and/or incredible wit, they notice your appearance. That is the world in which we all live - like it or not.
P.S. Check out the pictures from the commercial shoot below. I took my son along with me and treated him to Miami Heat tickets.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Down time's been a while since I've posted. Things have been fairly busy around here and I've been enjoying spending time with my grandson, Liam.
I've been participating in some Nike online challenges through the Nike+ website. By the way, for those of you that like walking or jogging - I highly recommend the Nike+ sports kit. It costs about $30 and wirelessly links your Ipod Nano to your Nike shoes. It tells you how far you went, how many calories you burned and how long you were out and about, all while playing your tunes. When you return home you can download the info to your computer and the Nike+ site keeps all your info for you. I am SO addicted to it. I got it in Sept. and I LOVE it. If you get/have one, I'm on the site, ask me for my username and run with me!!!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Happy Birthday USMC