Down time's been a while since I've posted. Things have been fairly busy around here and I've been enjoying spending time with my grandson, Liam.
I've been participating in some Nike online challenges through the Nike+ website. By the way, for those of you that like walking or jogging - I highly recommend the Nike+ sports kit. It costs about $30 and wirelessly links your Ipod Nano to your Nike shoes. It tells you how far you went, how many calories you burned and how long you were out and about, all while playing your tunes. When you return home you can download the info to your computer and the Nike+ site keeps all your info for you. I am SO addicted to it. I got it in Sept. and I LOVE it. If you get/have one, I'm on the site, ask me for my username and run with me!!!
At 7:13 PM, Anonymous said…
Hi Cara,
I finally saw you and Tressa in the latest NS commercial on HGTV. You all look FABULOUS and I am so proud of you two.
By the way, your new grand baby is so adorable!!
Natasha (nhop1976)
At 6:38 AM, O' Natur Nail said…
liam is so cute!!
and i gotz me a nano and sport kit, just need the shoes and when it warms- i'll be doing outdoor running, i'll be sure to find u on the site! :)
At 3:48 PM, Paul said…
Hi Cara,
Long time since I dropped by - congrats on your grandson. We had a landlord named Liam once - great guy, great name.
I have the Nike+ kit for my iPod nano I was gung-ho on it for a while until the weather got cold.
I see your pic on the NS site from time to time on the front page congrats on that too. Keep up the good job.
At 7:11 PM, O' Natur Nail said…
cara!!!!!!!! i finally!!!!!! got shoes baby!!! nike +!!! wooottt, what's your username girlfriend so we can run with!! i gotta make sure i get 3-4+ hrs of cardio a week on this new diet/training phase of my life... lemme know.. i'm "batlangelina" if you need to know the whole thing ;-) haven't done a run yet- gotta calibrate it and all first... i hope to get one in this weekend!!! talk soon, liam is soo cute!!
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