Well, I've be absent from the blog for a while now. As you can see from the pictures, there has been a lot going on at our house. Luckily the vast majority of the exterior is done - however, the interior is still in full swing. I have sheetrock dust in every nook and cranny of my house, as well as my eyes, ears and nose! What a mess. Gary and I saved $ by doing all our own demolition and all the finish work. The guest bathroom should be done by this weekend at the latest. The master suite is still in progress. Fortunately it is on the opposite end of the house from our current bedroom. In fact it is separated from the rest of the house really. So...maybe we can contain some of the dust from that part of the remodel.
I hope everyone is still doing well out there in cyberspace. I'll be checking in with all of you as soon as I dust off a little.