5 Weird Things
I've been tagged and I must write 5 weird things about myself.
The rules: The player of this game starts with "Five weird things/habits about yourself". In the end you need to choose five people to be tagged and list their names. The people who get tagged need to write a blog entry about their five weird things/habits, as well as state this rule clearly, then tag five more victims. Don't forget to leave your victim a comment that says "you're tagged!" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
1. I must wear shoes or slippers if my feet are touching the ground. I generally wear flip-flops (even in the winter) once I get into my house. I take them off just before getting into bed or the tub, and slip back into them the minute my feet hit the floor. It has to be shoes or slippers, not socks! I think I got this from growing up in the country - you never knew what you might step in at any given time or place.
2. I LOVE crushed ice. I won't drink anything without crushed ice in it - so much so that I bought a new refrigerator a few of years ago just for the crushed ice dispenser. I don't drink anything hot, even in the winter.
3. I love to wear swimsuits. I am about the only woman I know that feels this way. It's not that I think I have the greatest body or anything, I just think I look better in a swimsuit than in street clothes. I think it's because it's hard to find pants that fit me properly.
4. I am a research hound! Any time I need something, a product or service, I research it like crazy and if I like it I stick with it forever. For example; when we first moved here 7 years ago, I went to different beauty salons and watched stylists and their "finished" clients until I found one I liked. I have been going to the same stylist now for the entire 7 years. Same with my massage therapist, auto dealership, mechanic, etc.
5. I don't really like watching television. I will record documentaries and watch them in short sessions - where I can fast forward through things that bore me. But, for the most part, I cannot stand to sit through a whole tv program. I think that most of them have about 10 minutes of noteworthy content, 10 minutes of fluff and the rest is comercials.
Okay, now who do I tag????
1. Diana
2. Barry
3. Shawna
4. ? seems like almost everyone has been tagged - hopefully I didn't get any repeats.
5. ?
The rules: The player of this game starts with "Five weird things/habits about yourself". In the end you need to choose five people to be tagged and list their names. The people who get tagged need to write a blog entry about their five weird things/habits, as well as state this rule clearly, then tag five more victims. Don't forget to leave your victim a comment that says "you're tagged!" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
1. I must wear shoes or slippers if my feet are touching the ground. I generally wear flip-flops (even in the winter) once I get into my house. I take them off just before getting into bed or the tub, and slip back into them the minute my feet hit the floor. It has to be shoes or slippers, not socks! I think I got this from growing up in the country - you never knew what you might step in at any given time or place.
2. I LOVE crushed ice. I won't drink anything without crushed ice in it - so much so that I bought a new refrigerator a few of years ago just for the crushed ice dispenser. I don't drink anything hot, even in the winter.
3. I love to wear swimsuits. I am about the only woman I know that feels this way. It's not that I think I have the greatest body or anything, I just think I look better in a swimsuit than in street clothes. I think it's because it's hard to find pants that fit me properly.
4. I am a research hound! Any time I need something, a product or service, I research it like crazy and if I like it I stick with it forever. For example; when we first moved here 7 years ago, I went to different beauty salons and watched stylists and their "finished" clients until I found one I liked. I have been going to the same stylist now for the entire 7 years. Same with my massage therapist, auto dealership, mechanic, etc.
5. I don't really like watching television. I will record documentaries and watch them in short sessions - where I can fast forward through things that bore me. But, for the most part, I cannot stand to sit through a whole tv program. I think that most of them have about 10 minutes of noteworthy content, 10 minutes of fluff and the rest is comercials.
Okay, now who do I tag????
1. Diana
2. Barry
3. Shawna
4. ? seems like almost everyone has been tagged - hopefully I didn't get any repeats.
5. ?
At 6:49 AM,
Bear said…
Wow, just catching up. You've been busy! Lots of good work, and it all looks great!
As for your list, I hate having things on my feet. Barefoot is the most common way people see me. Hell, I even wear flip-flops to work so I can slip out of them while I'm sitting at my desk.
Before I buy just about any item (anything over $100) I spend a great deal of time on the net. Research is fun.
Thx for the tag, now I need to think about my list.
At 11:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Couldn't agree more with your number three...you are indeed smashing in a swimsuit, and absolutely stop traffic in a bikini!
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